Lost Wild Seal Becomes Local Celebrity After Staying in Massachusetts Town for a Week

A lost wild seal is now rescued after spending a week hanging out in a Massachusettes town…and becoming a sort of celebrity for the locals. The sea...

September 24, 2022
5:32 AM

A lost wild seal is now rescued after spending a week hanging out in a Massachusettes town…and becoming a sort of celebrity for the locals. The seal has even made such a splash that rescuers have dubbed the visitor 'Shoebert'. Thankfully, the wild animal has now been rescued and transported to a Connecticut aquarium. Wild Seal Finds Rescue (And Fame) After A Weeklong Stay In Northeastern TownResidents living in Beverly, Massachusetts first noticed 'Shoebert' (or so the animal has been dubbed based on where he was first spotted) at the area's Shoe Pond on September 15 The Boston Globe reports.

Megan Molseed